
Israel Palestine Peace Proposals

Why did I take an axe and cut down everyone's religions?
To prove to y'all that we are all flawed.
But then Muslims are like, but we are perfect!.

  • Biblical Greater Israel
  • Ottoman Empire and Arab States

  • 1948 - Peel Commission Partition Plan

  • 1948 - War by 5 countries
  • 1948 - Post-war Jordanian control over Palestinian Territory

  • 1951 - Jordanian king Abdullah I assassinated by Palestinian

  • 1964 PLO was founded

  • 1967 War

    • Why: Egypt setup a naval blockade in Tiran strait
    • Ended with UN Security Council Resolution 242
  • 1967 Post War Khartoum Resolution

    • What: Offered to return all captured territories purely for peace
    • Status: Rejected
    • Why:
      • No peace with Israel
      • No negotiation with Israel
      • No recognition of Israel
  • 1971 Jordanian Civil War (Black September)

    • Between Jordan and PLO
    • They contacted Israel for help, and Israel was ready to help, but before that, his troops were able to succeed.
    • Jordan took the support of Pakistan to kill 25000 Palestinians
    • PLO fled to Syria and then to Lebanon
  • 1971 Formation of Black September Organization
  • 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre

  • 1973: Yom Kippur War (Ramadan War)

    • 4th Arab-Israeli War
    • By Egypt and Syria - Surprise attack on the 10th day of Ramadan
    • From Sinai and Golan Heights
    • UN backed ceasefire
  • 1974 PLO gained UN observer status

  • 1974 PLO Ma'alot School Massacre

    • Killing 25 people, 22 children
  • 1976 Operation Entebbe

    • Rescued 102 hostages from PLO and German communist terrorists in an Ugandan airport
  • 1978 Camp David Accords

    • Withdrew from Sinai
  • 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty

    • Offered Palestinians Autonomy
    • Return of Sinai Peninsula (many times larger than Israel, and rich in oil)
  • 1981 Fez Initiative / Fahd Peace Plan

    • What: (Eight Point Peace Plan)

      1. Israel to withdraw from all Arab territory occupied in 1967, including Arab Jerusalem.
      2. Israeli settlements built on Arab land after 1967 to be dismantled, including those in Arab Jerusalem.
      3. A guarantee of freedom of worship for all religions in the Holy Places.
      4. An affirmation of the right of the Palestinian Arab people to return to their homes and compensation for those who do not wish to return.
      5. The West Bank and the Gaza Strip to have a transitional period under the auspices of the United Nations for a period not exceeding several months.
      6. An independent Palestinian State should be set up with Jerusalem as its capital.
      7. All States in the region should be able to live in peace in the region.
      8. The United Nations or Member States of the United Nations to guarantee the carrying out of these provisions.
    • Status:

      • Rejected
    • Why:
      • Israel Disagreed
  • 1982

    • Egypt demilitarized Sinai
  • Groups like PLO, Black September began to resort to terrorism

  • 1982: First War in Lebanon

    • Lebanon was a launching pod for attacks by PLO
  • 1985: Hezbollah formed

  • 1987: First Intifada

    • Lasted till 1993
  • 1987: US recognized PLO as a terrorist state

  • 1988: Jordan relinquishes West Bank to PLO

  • 1988: PLO establishes the State of Palestine

    • It also acknowledged Israel
  • 1991: Madrid Conference

  • 1993 Oslo I Peace Accords

    • Based on UN resolution 242 and 338
    • Derailed by Terrorism
  • 1995 Oslo II Peace Accords

    • Split West Bank into areas A, B and C
    • A (Interior) - PLO
    • B - Co-governed
    • C (Near Jordan) - Israel
  • 1994 Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty

  • 2000: Israel left the buffer zone in Lebanon

    • Why:
      • UN Security council 425 (1978)
  • 2000: Hezbollah started

    • Why:
      • They took the retreat as a sign of victory
  • 2000 Camp David Summit and the Clinton parameters

    • What:
      • Israeli PM Ahoud Barak offered to offered to create a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 97% of the West Bank, with land swaps to account for the other 3%.
    • Status:
      • Rejected
    • Why:

  • 2000: Second Intifada

    • Why:
      • Ariel Sharon visited Temple Mount, which was seen as offensive
    • Lasted till 2005
  • 2002: Arab Peace Initiative

    • Rejected by Israel because it wanted them to withdraw to pre-1967 borders
  • 2005: Disengagement from Gaza

    • Israel removed all occupiers forcibly
    • But they monitored airspace with the aid of Egypt
  • 2006: Second Lebanon War

    • Why:
      • Lebanon kidnapped Israelis
      • Fired rockets till 2006
  • 2007: Hamas gained control over Gaza

  • 2008

    • What:
      • Israeli PM Ahoud Olmert offered to withdraw from the entire West Bank, and partition Jerusalem on a demographic basis.
    • Status
      • Rejected
    • Why
      • Abbas didn't say yes, and it was a on the spot offer which he couldn't trust Israel would follow through
  • 2008 War (Operation Lead Cast)

    • Why:
      • Ceasefire Talks halted by escalation
  • 2009: Barack Obama became US president

  • 2014: Negotiations led by John Kerry / Abbas

    • What:
      • Deal to refuse prisoners in 4 batches if Palestinians don't push for UN recognition
    • Status:
      • Failed
    • Why:
      • Israel said Palestinians pushed for more recognition by UN
      • Fatah Hamas reconciliation
  • 2014 War

    • Why:
      • Kidnapped Israelis
  • 2017: PA cut salaries in Gaza

  • 2018 Qatar Funded Hamas

    • Israel under Netanyahu approved it to destabilize PA
    • PA had disapproved of the funding
  • 2020 Trump Peace Plan

    • What:
  • 2020 Abraham Accords

    • Israel - UAE and Bahrain
  • 2023 War:

    • Why:
      • Abraham Accords
  • 2023 Two State Call
    • What:
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